Monday, September 20, 2010

Bas bas lalu Lebuhraya Pantai Timur dibaling batu

Oleh: rozmal

"Macam-macam bala di Malaysia sekarang ini. Semakin maju fizikal, makin mundur mental rakyat Malaysia. Sekarang ini kecoh beberapa bas ekspres yang menggunakan Lebuhraya Pantai Timur dibaling batu oleh individu yang tidak dikenali diwaktu siang pula tu. Marilah kita memohon doa kepada ALLAH agar Malaysia kembali aman dan sejahtera. Buat semua yang ALLAH suruh, tinggalkan semua yang ALLAH larang.

KUANTAN: Express bus drivers travelling along the East Coast Highway here have been facing nightmarish journeys. Several buses have been damaged by stones and other hard objects thrown by unknown people hiding in the hilly areas between Km152 and Km154 of the highway.

The most recent incident on Wednesday saw a window on the left side of a Transnasional express bus heading to Kuala Lumpur from Kuantan shattered.

It was learnt that a woman passenger who was seated beside the window escaped unhurt.

The driver, Ramli Patmo, 47, said the 3pm incident occurred after the Maran rest area and he immediately pulled over to the emergency lane.

"The tinted passenger window had prevented the broken pieces of the window from falling into the bus.

"The area is surrounded by oil palm plantations and there were no settlements. The culprits must have run into the plantation to hide."

Transnasional Kuantan branch operations officer Abdul Razak Abdul Rahman said the incident on Wednesday was the fourth involving the company's express buses.

"Since Sunday, three other buses have suffered the same fate.

"However, the objects thrown by the culprits (in the first three cases) only caused minor dents."

Razak said he was informed that several express buses from other companies also faced similar incidents.

He said he hoped police would work with MTD Prime Sdn Bhd, the operator of the East Coast Highway, to catch the culprits before someone was seriously injured.

"The culprits used to only attack the buses at night but now they daringly do it during the day, and based on the dents found on the buses, some of them are throwing ball bearings."

An MTD Prime official who declined to be named said the company had received reports of such incidents along the stretch and were currently trying to nab those involved.

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peringatan PRU 13


“ Bismillahirahmanirahim. Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami. Kami Hamba Mu yang lemah memohon belas ehsan dan kasihan Mu. Kami tidak berdaya untuk menghadapi fitnah wang sebegini besar. Maka, kami berserah kembali kepada kekuasan Mu Ya Allah setelah habis daya dan kederat kami telah digunakan.Maka, kami memohon, Ya Allah, turunkan Bala yang diterima oleh Kaum Nabi Nuh dan Kaum Nabi Hud ke atas semua yang terlibat dalam usaha pembelian wakil-wakil rakyat serta pimpinan PKR tidak kira siapa mereka itu.

Ya Allah Yang Maha Berkuasa, Yang Menggerakkan Awan, Yang mengalahkan bala tentera Al Ahzab. Hancurkan mereka. Menangkan kami ke atas mereka. Jadikanlah wang mereka sebagai bala ke atas mereka supaya mereka sedar bahawa Kau lebih Berkuasa dari wang mereka.

" Ya Allah! Sebagaimana Engkau Pernah menghantar burung-burung ababil menghancurkan tentera bergajah Musyrikin, maka kami memohon kepada mu Ya Allah….Ya Tuhan Ku turunkanlah bantuan mu kali ini kepada orang orang dizalimi, hancurkanlah regim UMNO dan sekutu-sekutunya. Amin"[Lalu bacalah surah Al Fil/ membayangkan kehancuran regim UMNO dan sekutu-sekutunya- dengan Izin Allah.